
The Tutorial Program is Southfield Alumnae Chapter’s (SAC) longest running community service project. The program provides academic support services to students in grades K-8 in Southfield and neighboring communities. It aims to improve the student’s academic performance and progress toward meeting educational goals. It supplements what is done in the student’s classroom by tutoring them in any subject in which they may need assistance. The tutors help students learn the concepts and methods needed to complete their assignments independently.

By providing a Tutorial Program, SAC enhances the educational opportunities of children in our community. It demonstrates consistency and encouragement by helping students to understand why their education is important. Students have the opportunity to succeed, learn, and be challenged, so their confidence in academics, as well as in social situations grows. The program affords students the opportunity to develop self-worth, feelings of accomplishment, and optimism about the future, which can only positively impact their lives in the community.

Tutorial Details: Each tutor meets with a student one-on-one during a one-hour session on Tuesdays. There are six weeks in one session and four sessions are held annually from October to April. For additional information, please contact Tutorial@deltasac.org.